Throughout March 2011 at McDonalds restaurants in Australia and New Zealand the happy meal toy giveaway is
McDonalds Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 and Hello Kitty toys. There are 4 McDonalds Battle Force 5 vehicles and drivers targeting boys and 4 McDonalds Hello Kitty stamper toys targeting girls up for grabs in each McDonalds happy meal purchased.
McDonalds Hot Wheels BF5 and Hello Kitty Stamper Toys 2011 |
McDonalds Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 Happy Meal Toys 2011
There are 4 character inspired toys from the TV animated series BF5 in the McDonalds Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 set. The Australia and New Zealand release is identical to the
US McDonalds Hot Wheels BF5 release made back in April 2010 except that 2 toys (Zemerik & Zelix and Sherman Cortez & Buster Tank) have been omitted.
McDonalds Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 Set of 5 Toys |
The Australia and New Zealand McDonalds Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 happy meal toy promotion for 2011 includes the following 4 happy meal toys:
- Sever & Water Slaughter Vehicle - blue
- Vert Wheeler and Saber Vehicle - red
- Stanford Isaac Rhodes IV & Reverb Vehicle - purple
- Kalus & Fangore Vehicle - brown
McDonalds Hot Wheels BF5 2011 - Vert Wheeler & Saber Vehicle |
McDonalds Hot Wheels BF5 2011 - Sever & Water Slaughter Vehicle |
McDonalds Hot Wheels BF5 2011 - Standford Isaac Rhodes IV & Reverb Vehicle |
McDonalds Hello Kitty Happy Meal Toys 2011 (Aust & NZ)
McDonalds Hello Kitty happy meal toys for 2011 released in Australia and New Zealand is a set of 4 stampers - 2 vehicles, 1 heart and 1 apple. Each stamper has a different message: happy, lucky, party and smile.
McDonalds Hello Kitty Stampers 2011 - Set of 4 |
Other McDonalds promotions featuring Hello Kitty themed toys released in Australia and New Zealand were the
McDonalds Hello Kitty Watches released in 2009
The McDonalds Hello Kitty happy meal toys for 2011 includes the following 4 stamper toys:
- Heart Stamper - "smile" stamp
- Aeroplane Stamper - "party" stamp
- Apple Stamper - "lucky" stamp
- Car Stamper - "happy" stamp
McDonalds Hello Kitty Heart Stamper 2011 |
McDonalds Hello Kitty Aeroplane Stamper 2011 |
McDonalds Hello Kitty Apple Stamper 2011 |
McDonalds Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 and Hello Kitty Stamper happy meal toys are the toy promotion at McDonalds restaurants throughout Australia and New Zealand during March 2011. The McDonalds happy meal toys included in the promotion are 4 Hot Wheels BF5 character figures and vehicles for boys and 4 Hello Kitty stamps for girls.
Previous McDonalds Happy Meal Toy Promotion
McDonalds Ben 10 Alien Force and Powerpuff Girls Happy Meal Toys 2011
Next Happy Meal Toy Promotion
McDonalds Rio Happy Meal Toys 2011
Related Links
Previous McDonalds Toys Promotions in Australia and New Zealand
McDonalds Hello Kitty Watches 2009
McDonald Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 - US Release
All McDonalds Hot Wheels Happy Meal Toy Promotions