Sunday, June 21, 2020

KFC Toy Story Toys 1996 Bed Puzzle

KFC Toy Story toys 1996 was one of the best toy promotions that KFC ever did. Released in Australia and New Zealand in 1996 and in other parts of the world as part of a movie tie-in deal with the Toy Story movie when it came out on video. I am uncertain how many other countries got this KFC Toy Story promotion beyond Asian countries that I know of.

The Toy Story toys are a nice set of figures from the Toy Story movie: Woody, buzz, Rex and Hamm. Along with the Toy Story figurines is a puzzle piece which when fitted together forms a bed. The toys are made of hard plastic and are durable enough for a reasonable level of play.

KFC Toy Story Toys 1996 - Bed Puzzle with Woody, Buzz, Hamm and Rex figurines
KFC Toy Story Bed Puzzle Toys 1996

The bed puzzle concept makes for something a little different.  That being said it is not unusual to find the toy story figures in a lot of vintage toys but often the bed puzzle piece is missing.

The Toy Story toys from KFC are figurines and have no articulation as you might expect. They are still a fun set and look good on display.

KFC Toys 1996 Toy Story Rex and Buzz Lightyear Figurines and bed puzzle piece
Rex and Buzz Lightyear Figurines

The KFC Toy Story Bed Puzzle toys 1996 form a set of four toys and include the following toys:

  • Woody (Headboard, rear)

  • Buzz Lightyear (Puzzle Base Piece, rear)

  • Hamm (Puzzle Base Piece, front)

  • Rex (Puzzle Base Piece, front)

The original Toy Story movie saw toy promotions not only by KFC but McDonalds too had a really nice set of toys on offer. The 1995 McDonalds Toy Story toys were much larger compared to the KFC set which has really small figures. The McDonalds set also included a lot more toys of different characters from the Toy Story movie.

Expect to pay a premium for these toys if you can find them MIP. As a set these KFC Toys Story toys have become a fairly rare collector's item. Loose toys are a little easier to come by and occasionally come up on Ebay Australia.

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KFC Toy Story Bed Puzzle 1996 toys are a nice collectible toy set from the original Toy Story movie distributed in some countries around the world including Australia and New Zealand. The Toy Story toys are a tie-in with the release of the Toy Story movie on VHS video. The toys can be enjoyed individually but also collectively as each toy comes with a piece of the bed puzzle which when joined together creates a nice display platform. These toys have now become hard to find MIP or even loose and as such sell at a premium on toy collector markets and auction sites.

Related Links

All KFC Toy Promotions

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